Since 2023, I am Associate Editor for the international journal Applicable Analysis.
    Since 2023, I regularly evaluate some research projects submitted to research agencies (in France and abroad).
    In 2021, I have refeered the PhD thesis of Lise MAURIN (Sorbonne University) on the molecular dynamic. The defense was on Thursday 16th of December 2021. Title of the thesis: Adaptive biasing algorithms: mathematical analysis and applications in molecular dynamics.
    Since 2020, I am a permanent member of the Saint-Étienne campus of ICJ.
    From 2017 to 2023, I have been a nominated member of the committee in charge of following the advance of PhD theses of the Saint-Étienne campus of ICJ.
    From 2015 to 2020, I was an elected member of the Saint-Étienne campus of ICJ.
    Since 2014, I have been referee for 50 articles in different journals: Annals of Applied Probability, Journal of Functional Analysis, Electronic Communications in Probability, Stochastics, Bernoulli, Journal of Mathematical Physics, European Physical Journal, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Potential Analysis,Nonlinearity, Science China Mathematics, Stochastics and Dynamics, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Royal Proceedings Edinburgh, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, Applied Probability Journals, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Probability Theory and Related Fields....
    Since 2013, I have written around 30 reviews for Mathscinet.
    From the Wednesday 31st of May to the 2nd of June in 2023, I have co-organized with Aline Kurtzmann a workshop: "Stochastic processes, metastability and applications". It took place at Nancy. Webpage of the workshop
    I have organized with Kentaro Fujie workshop on the chemotaxis at Tokyo. This workshop has been postponed due to pandemie. It finally took place the 22nd of October 2022.
    I have organized with Aline Kurtzmann, Laurent Michel and Julien Reygner a workshop on the metastability at Saint-Étienne in May 2022. This workshop was planned in November 2020 but it has been postponed due to pandemie.
    I was organizing a workshop on the metastability and the artificial intelligence at Saint-Étienne in July 2021. Finaly, this workshop has been cancelled due to pandemie.
    I have organized a workshop on the nonlinear stochastic processes at Saint-Étienne: Workshop of July 2019.
    I have organized a second workshop on the gaussian processes at Saint-Étienne: Workshop of October 2018.
    I have organized a workshop on the gaussian processes at Saint-Étienne: Workshop of November 2017.
    From September 2014 to February 2020, I have created and organized the unique probabilities and statistics seminar at Saint-Étienne. This working group was denoted as APSSE (Amis des Probabilités et des Statistiques à Saint-Étienne, which means Friends of Probabilities and Statistics at Saint-Étienne) and the link was: APSSE. This working group gathered members of ICJ, School of Mines of Saint-Étienne and members of Laboratoire Hubert Curien (signal processing and computer science).
    Since November 2024, I participate in the "Conseil de perfectionnement" of Télécom Saint-Étienne.
    Since September 2024, I am the responsible of the DEP (equivalent to a department) of Mathematics at Télécom Saint-Étienne.
    Since 2013, I participate regularly to the recruitment process at Télécom Saint-Étienne with motivation interviews. I also participate in "baccalauréat" jurys.
    From 2013 to 2016, I participated to five days of "maîtres d'apprentissage". During these days, we were receiving the industry supervisors and we were making evaluations of students in FISA.
    Since 2013, I have been member of around twenty jurys for FISE (around 120 students each year) and three jurys for FISA (around 30 students). For each student, we discuss in particular about the successfulness of semester...
    Since 2014, I have been responsible of blocks of teaching at Télécom Saint-Étienne. Indeed, TSE has a politic of control on the teaching quality. Thus, some teachers are responsibles of some blocks of teaching and should provide continuous improvements.
  I have been responsible during three years of the block "Fondamentaux pour l'ingénieur (2)" in FISA (Apprentices faculty). The courses are Probabilities and Statistics, Numerical Processing of Datas, Informatical Project in language C.
  I am responsible for ten years of the block "Maths-Physique" in FISE (Initial faculty). The courses are Deterministic Signal Processing, Probabilities and Statistics, Numerical Computation, Electromagnetism in the material.
    I have been responsible of the optional course "Advanced Probabilities" in FISE at Télécom Saint-Étienne from 2015 to 2016.
    I have been responsible of the course "Operational research" in FISE at Télécom Saint-Étienne from 2015 to 2016.
    I have been responsible of the course "Probabilities and Statistics" in FISA at Télécom Saint-Étienne from 2014 to 2016.
    I have been responsible of the course "Probabilities and Statistics" in FISE at Télécom Saint-Étienne since September 2014.
    I have been responsible of the course "Basic Mathematics" in FISE at Télécom Saint-Étienne since September 2013.