English Version VF Julian Tugaut

Associate Professor
Hors Classe
Jean Monnet University

    In July 2025, I will give a conference to a broad audience about the Buffon's needles problem in the frame of the program Université Pour Tous (University For Everybody).

    In June 2024, I will offer a four days "hippocampe" internship to students of the CPGE (college) Fauriel at Saint-Étienne.

    In June 2024, I explained my work (research and teaching) to four high school students doing their internship in Camille Jordan Institute.

    In March 2024, I have participated to a mathematics exposition in a high school at Saint-Étienne.

    In the beginning of 2024, I have participated to the project CASE-I^2 (in the framework "Science With and For the Society") concerning the Metanolin part of the project.

    In June 2022, I offered two "hippocampes" internships of three days to students of the CPGE (college) Fauriel at Saint-Étienne.

    In January and February 2022, I have supervised two internships for students of Télécom Saint-Étienne. It permitted to two engineer students to discover the research world. More precisely, one of them worked on Laplace method whereas the other worked on statistical tests.

    From 2014 to 2018, I have been writer for the press review of the website Image des Mathématiques. I have actively participated to writting 24 articles.

    In June 2017, I have participated to Math@Lyon in a middle-school.