33. Measure-dependent non-linear diffusions with superlinear drifts: asymptotic behaviour of the first exit-times, Electronic Journal of Probability, Article,
with Ashot Aleksian. MR4822659. (31 pages).
32. Granular media equation with double-wells external landscape: limiting steady state, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Article. MR4805505. (4 pages).
31. Self-interacting diffusions: long-time behaviour and exit-problem in the uniformly convex case, ESAIM Probability and statistics, Article,
with Ashot Aleksian, Pierre Del Moral and Aline Kurtzmann. MR4707472. (22 pages).
30. Reducing exit-times of diffusions with repulsive interactions, ESAIM Probability and statistics, Article,
with Paul-Eric Chaudru de Raynal, Hong Duong, Pierre Monmarché and Milica Tomašević, 2023. MR4621420. (26 pages).
29. Large Deviations and Exit-times for reflected McKean-Vlasov equations with self-stabilizing terms and superlinear drifts, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Article,
with Daniel Adams, Gonçalo dos Reis, Romain Ravaille and William Salkeld, 2022. MR4374937. (47 pages).
28. Captivity of the solution to the granular media equation, Kinetic and Related Models, Article,
2021. MR4251943. (11 pages).
27. Exit-time of mean-field particles system, ESAIM Probability and statistics, Article,
2020. MR4153635. (9 pages).
26. Coupled McKean-Vlasov diffusions: wellposedness, propagation of chaos and invariant measures, Stochastics, Article,
with Hong Duong, 2020. MR4139089. (44 pages).
25. A simple proof of a Kramers'type law for self-stabilizing diffusions in double-wells landscape, ALEA, Article,
2019. MR3932906. (11 pages).
24. Freidlin-Wentzell LDPs in path space for McKean-Vlasov equations and the Functional Iterated Logarithm law, The Annals of Applied Probability, Article
with Gonçalo dos Reis and William Salkeld, 2019. MR3914550. (54 pages).
23. Exit-time of granular media equation starting in a local minimum, Communications On Stochastic Analysis, Article,
2018. MR3843908. (6 pages).
22. Uniform propagation of chaos and creation of chaos for a class of nonlinear diffusions, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Article
with Pierre Del Moral. 2019. MR4020054. (30 pages).
21. On the stability and the concentration of extended Kalman-Bucy filters, Electronic Journal of Probability, Article
with Pierre Del Moral and Aline Kurtzmann, 2018. MR3858919. (30 pages).
20. Convergence in Wasserstein distance for a self-stabilizing diffusion in a double-wells landscape, Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences, Article,
2018. MR3806895. (4 pages).
19. The Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation in non-convex landscape: convergence to equilibrium, Electronic Communications in Probability, Article
with Hong Duong, 2018. MR3779816. (10 pages).
18. Finiteness of entropy for granular media equations, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Article,
2019. MR3964384. (9 pages).
17. On the stability and the uniform propagation of chaos properties of ensemble Kalman-Bucy filters, The Annals of Applied Probability, Article
with Pierre Del Moral, 2018. MR3784489. (61 pages).
16. On the stability and the uniform propagation of chaos of extended ensemble Kalman-Bucy filters, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, Article
with Pierre Del Moral and Aline Kurtzmann, 2017. MR3597159. (37 pages).
15. Exit problem of McKean-Vlasov diffusion in double-wells landscape, Journal of Theoretical Probability, Article,
2018. MR3803922. (11 pages).
14. Mean-Field limit versus small-noise limit for some interacting particle systems, Communications on Stochastic Analysis, Article
with Samuel Herrmann, 2016. MR3619712. (17 pages).
13. A simple proof of a Kramers'type law for self-stabilizing diffusions, Electronic Communications in Probability, Article,
2016. MR3485380. (7 pages).
12. Exponential rate of convergence independent from the dimension in a mean-field system of particles, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Article
with Bartłomiej Dyda, 2017. MR3652205. (17 pages).
11. Stationary measures of the Vlasov-Fokker-Planck equation: existence, characterization and phase-transition, Applied Mathematics Letters, Article
with Hong Duong, 2015. MR3416384. (8 pages).
10. Captivity of mean-field particle systems and the related exit problems, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Article,
2015. MR3355587. (17 pages)
09. Self-stabilizing processes in multi-wells landscape in \(\mathbb{R}^d\) - Convergence, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Article,
2013. MR3027901. (22 pages)
08. Phase transitions of McKean-Vlasov processes in double-wells landscape, Stochastics, Article,
2013. MR3180036. (28 pages)
07. Exit problem of McKean-Vlasov diffusions in convex landscape, Electronic Journal of
Probability, Article,
2012. MR2981901. (26 pages)
06. Self-stabilizing processes in multi-wells landscape in \(\mathbb{R}^d\) - Invariant probabilities, Journal of Theoretical
Probability, Article,
2012. MR3174216. (23 pages)
05. McKean-Vlasov diffusions: from the synchronization to the asynchronization, Comptes Rendus de
l'Académie des
Sciences, Article,
2011. MR2838249. (4 pages)
04. Convergence to the equilibria for self-stabilizing processes in double-well landscape, The Annals of
Probability, Article,
2013. MR3098681. (34 pages)
03. Self-stabilizing processes: uniqueness problem for stationary measures and convergence rate in the small noise limit, ESAIM Probability and statistics, Article
with Samuel Herrmann, 2012. MR2956576. (29 pages)
02. Stationary measures for self-stabilizing diffusions: asymptotic analysis in the small noise limit, Electronic Journal of Probability, Article
with Samuel Herrmann, 2010. MR2745727. (30 pages)
01. Non uniqueness of stationary measures for self-stabilizing diffusions, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Article
with Samuel Herrmann, 2010. MR2639745. (32 pages)
36. Multi-species McKean-Vlasov dynamics,
Writting in process,
with Hong Duong and Grigorios Pavliotis, (38 pages).
37. A Kramers'type law for the first collision-time of two self-stabilizing diffusions and of their particle approximations,
Writting in process,
with Jean-François Jabir , (42 pages).
38. Competition between common noise and idiosyncratic noise in the small-noise limit for Ornstein-Uhlenbeck McKean-Vlasov diffusions,
Writting in process,
with Paul-Eric Chaudru de Raynal, (19 pages).